True Assassin
Blackening of Servants
Saber Alternative
Class: Saber
Master: Emiya Shirou
Alignment: Lawful Good
Sex: Female
Height: 154 cm
Weight: 42 kg
Armament: armor, sword
Noble Phantasm: C
There was once a king in England named Arthur Pendragon. He was the legendary king who staunchly defended the British Isles from the invading Saxons for a long time.
The name Arthur, written in the Roman fashion is “Artorius," the feminine form of which is “Artoria." In other words, this is Saber's true name.
Artoria was born to Uther Pendragon and a queen from a rival kingdom. She was raised under the guidance of the wizard Merlin, and became the king after pulling out the Sword of Selection. Later, she led Lancelot, Gawain, and other famed knights to achieve innumerable feats of arms. They engaged the King of Saxons at the Battle of Badon Hill and brought peace to the land of Britain. Because the scabbard of the holy sword stopped her from aging, Artoria continued to reign as the ideal monarch. Ironically, Queen Guinevere and Artoria's knights grew more distant from their king precisely because she was too ideal. In the civil war that raged at the end of Artoria's reign, she and her son Mordred mortally wounded each other. At that moment, she made a pact with the World to serve as a Heroic Spirit after death. In exchange, she wished that the Holy Grail would redo the appointment of the king. According to legend, the body of King Arthur was transported to Avalon, the land of fairies, where he heals his wounds in serenity.
Saber displayed her full abilities when engaging in honorable face-to-face single combat. It is a mode of battle filled with chivalrous dignity, and also the one that suits Saber's sense of aesthetics. However, this does not mean she is opposed to strategy. Because Saber was also a capable military commander, she tends to dislike roughly drawn plans. She prefers to fine-tune her battle plans meticulously, adapting her tactics to the ever dynamic conditions on the battlefield. Of course, Saber despises cowardice whether or not it is strategically sound. For this reason, in the Fourth Holy Grail War, her compatibility with her cold and ruthless Master, Emiya Kiritsugu, was the worst.
Class Abilities
Magic Resistance: A
Artoria boasts the greatest rank of resistance to magic among the Servants. She is capable of completely neutralizing high thaumaturgy involving magic circles and instant contracts. Even modern magi of the highest level cannot wound her directly with magic. Artoria is even able to resist a command of action powered by one use of a Command Spell. Such is the extraordinary rank of her Magic Resistance, sufficient to shake the very foundation of the Servant system. If the opponent is someone who attacks with magic, Artoria will charge without fear and decide the battle in one fell sweep.
Also, per her "Pendragon" name, Artoria possesses the element of the Red Dragon, charged with the task of protecting the kingdom. She carries the very magical power of the dragon. This humongous magical power is also the source of Artoria's Magic Resistance. Because she possesses characteristics of a dragon, Artoria would have difficulty against beings such as Siegfried, who are associated with tales of "dragon slaying." If she is targeted by "dragon slaying magic," it is possible that Magic Resistance will not function to its full extent.
In the story, Artoria retained her Magic Resistance of A while having Emiya Shirou and Rin as Masters, regardless of the difference in power and attributes. On the other hand, while having Matou Sakura as her Master, her Magic Resistance decreased to B as a result of Blackening.
Riding: B
Since knights are soldiers who are proficient in mounted warfare, Saber’s rank in Riding is very high. Chariots can be ridden with equal mastery. Motorcycles and automobiles are treated as "modern mounts," and thus a high rank in Riding is also applicable to them. It is unknown if Riding can be applied to aircraft. Saber’s Riding was elevated to A while having Emiya Kiritsugu as Master. However, Artoria can ultimately only control mundane mounts. She cannot control pegasi, griffons, dragons, and other Phantasmal Species of Magical or Divine classification. This is due to her class not being Rider, as well as the fact that she was a king during the Age of Men. Thus, Artoria did not have the fortune of possessing "legends of riding Phantasmal Species."
Artoria rode a motorcycle in the Fourth Holy Grail War, but did not have the opportunity to demonstrate her Riding ability in the Fifth Holy Grail War. Furnished with an appropriate mount, the battles might have developed differently.
Personal Skills
Instinct: A
Instinct is the ability to instantly identify "the best personal course of action" during combat. Because this ability can predict projectile trajectories, it is even possible to evade attacks by firearms. At rank A, it almost reaches the realm of precognition. With Instinct, one can negate the penalties inflicted by visual and auditory interference to a certain extent.
Caption: Artoria saw through Cú Chulainn’s ultimate technique with her own skills, but her exceptional Instinct also helped her immensely.
Power Burst: A
The ability to reinforce one's weapon and body through the infusion of magical energy. By greatly reinforcing the ability of her body using magical energy, the physically fragile Artoria was able to fight head on with monsters such as Berserker. At rank A, even a stick can become a weapon of incredible power.
Caption: Large-scale body reinforcement through Power Burst is only possible with Artoria's immense magical energy.
Charisma: B
Artoria possessed high Charisma, and reigned as the king of England. The morale of military forces she commands is extremely high. However, this strong influence is still insufficient to build a vast empire spanning the world, so it remains at rank B (sufficient to rule a country).
Caption: Artoria, the protector of the British Isles. Even with her Charisma, she could not avert the fall of her kingdom.
Noble Phantasms
Barrier of the Wind King -- Invisible Air
Rank: C
Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-2
Maximum targets: 1 object
A bounded field that conceals the blade by entangling it with layers of wind, and altering the refractive index of the air. It is closer to magic than a Noble Phantasm. By using this field, Artoria can attack while preventing the opponent from gauging the sword's reach and trajectory. Since concealing one's Noble Phantasm also conceals one's true identity, Invisible Air was highly effective at the early stages of the Holy Grail War. It also has other advantages such as increasing attack power and accuracy. Entangling the sword with wind and using the wind as the blade enhances the attack power, while having an "invisible weapon" provides an advantage in accuracy*. Since the advantage of Invisible Air lies in "invisibility," the accuracy increase will not occur while engaging opponents who possess Mind's Eye or do not depend on vision.
In the Fourth Holy Grail War, Artoria unleashed the condensed air and used it as a long-range weapon that mauls groups of enemies -- the "Iron Mallet of the Wind King."
*[Likely by decreasing the opponent's evasion, in RPG terms.]
Sword of Promised Victory -- Excalibur
Rank: A++
Type: Anti-fortress Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-99
Maximum targets: 1000 persons
Artoria's greatest and most powerful Noble Phantasm. It is the strongest and most majestic holy sword, and is the symbol of King Arthur. The pinnacle of holy swords, Excalibur was not forged by human hands. It was crystallized within the Earth, using the wishes of mankind as the basis. It is one of the ultimate god-forged weapons, a Last Phantasm. Originally tended by the Fairies of the Planet, the sword was entrusted to the Lady of the Lake, who then passed it into the hands of King Arthur, a child of Men.
Excalibur converts the magical energy of the wielder into light, and as the sword is swung, the light is released from the tip of the blade like a laser beam, destroying everything in its path. Of course, the energy consumption is extreme, so it cannot be fired consecutively. In the Fourth Holy Grail War, the abominable giant sea monster summoned by Caster was completely incinerated by this Noble Phantasm. Excalibur is classified as an "anti-fortress Noble Phantasm" due to its magnitude and destructive power.
Ever-Distant Utopia -- Avalon
Rank: EX
Type: Bounded Field Noble Phantasm
Maximum Targets: 1 person
The sheath of Excalibur, a Noble Phantasm derived from Avalon, the land of fairies, where King Arthur rests. The wielder will heal from any wound, and the aging process will cease. Invoking the true name of Avalon will deploy a bounded field that provides the greatest defense. As Noble Phantasm that annuls the interference of Sorcery, its existence is equivalent to Sorcery.
In legend, the loss of this sheath cast an ominous pall over the life of King Arthur, eventually cascading into the collapse of the kingdom. In modern times, the Einzberns excavated Avalon at Cornwall and passed it into the hands of Emiya Kiritsugu. Afterward, it was implanted into the body of Emiya Shirou to save his life, eventually becoming the link that led to his bond with Artoria. In the Fate route, Artoria would learn that Shirou was her "sheath," and the duo would emerge victorious in the Holy Grail War.
Cú Chulainn
Class: Lancer
Master: Kotomine Kirei
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Sex: Male
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Armament: armor, spear
Noble Phantasm: B
Long ago, Ireland was called Erin, which means "green" in Gaelic. In this land named for its abundant greenery, there lived a boy with great talent. His name was Sétanta. It is said that his father was the sun god Lugh and his mother was royalty. One day, he accidentally killed the guard dog protecting the house of master blacksmith Culann. Sétanta alone strangled to death "Culann's savage dog" that was well-known to have the strength of ten men. As recompense for this deed, for a time Sétanta swore to fulfill the duties of a guard dog. Consequently, all began to call the boy "Culann's savage dog" i.e. Cú Chulainn.
In time, the grown Cú Chulainn was accepted as a member of the famous Red Branch Knights. His actions thereafter were truly without equal. He went to the Land of Shadows to fulfill his own love; there, he acquired fearsome magic and the peerless demonic spear Gáe Bolg. Cú Chulainn became invincible, but the sun would still set on his life. When Cú Chulainn was young, a trusted druid prophesied, "in exchange for glorious deeds of valor, your life would be short;" the hero accepted his fate with cheerful laughter.
In his final battle, Cú Chulainn fought with the ferocity of a lion, and died on his own spear. A raven landed on the shoulder of his standing corpse in his death. It is said that this bird was a transformed Morrigan, professing her undying love.
Cú Chulainn is a warrior that prefers to fight with his full power, according to his beliefs. However, his Master Kotomine ordered Cú Chulainn with a Command Spell to involuntarily carry out the reconnaissance mission "fight with everyone, then withdraw." Even during his his first battle with Emiya, Cú Chulainn immediately set off to kill Shirou for being a possible witness to the duel, to leave no loose ends. In these and other acts, Cú Chulainn took decisive action in and out of combat. His disengagements were also quite skilled, showing that he could judge the conditions of a battle and immediately withdraw if they were unfavorable.
Cú Chulainn's battles in the Fifth Holy Grail War were extremely limited, in contrast to his legendary martial prowess.
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: C
Cú Chulainn holds a Magic Resistance of rank C. Magic using incantations of two bars or lower are nullified, but above this, the ability is unable to resist High Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals. That said, confronting a Servant of his superior speed (Agility A), and finding an opportunity to use large-scale magic is extremely difficult. Considerable skill is also required to successfully strike him with activated magic. Based on these factors, in close combat Cú Chulainn may have a necessary and sufficient rank of Magic Resistance.
In addition, as depicted in legend, he himself learned magic (the 18 Original Runes) in the Land of Shadow, boasting enough skill and knowledge to qualify for Caster class. In the story,he discerns the presence of Medusa's Blood Fort Andromeda at a glance, considers the situation, and makes the decision not to destroy it. Cú Chulainn is not a reckless warrior.
Personal Skills
Battle Continuation: A
In legend, the dying Cú Chulainn tied himself to a tree, and then took his final breath facing the enemy army. True to his legendary tenacity, he struggles fiercely on the verge of death. Cú Chulainn demonstrated miraculous determination even in a hopeless fight, continuing to stall Gilgamesh for half a day.
Caption: When facing Emiya, who dexterously fended off spear thrusts with his dual swords, Cú Chulainn unyieldingly stood his ground.
Restart: C
The ability to withdraw from the battlefield in the midst of combat. Having been commanded to go on reconnaissance missions by his Master Kotomine, it can be said that Cú Chulainn fully demonstrated this ability. From the start, he excelled in analyzing battle situations, and was charged with fighting and and withdrawing repeatedly from all the Servants.
Runes: B
Cú Chulainn obtained eighteen runes (a Norse magic crest) from his studies with Scáthach, using them as appropriate to respond to different situations. Among these runes, one had a search function. This ability supported his elusive activities during the Holy Grail War.
Caption: Cú Chulainn used his rune magic to set fire to the Einzbern castle.
Divine Protection from Arrows: B
The ability to respond to projectile weapons. It is an ability Cú Chulainn possessed from birth. As long as he can identify the object of attack with his eyes, it is possible for him to evade any kind of ranged attack. Also, even in a situation where the object cannot be seen, he can generally deal with most projectile weapons. In his fight with Hassan-i Sabbāh, the blades fired from the darkness had no effect. As long as they are thrown attacks, even Noble Phantasms can be avoided, but against weapons that explode in a wide radius on impact or direct strikes with weapons simply with long reach, one cannot receive the effect of this protection.
Divinity: B
The circumstances behind Cú Chulainn's great divinity is his father's existence. His father was Lugh, one of the Danaan gods in Celtic mythology, and the god of the sun. Cú Chulainn exhibited superior talent from birth, as a demigod whose father was an almighty god possessing every skill such as knowledge, martial arts, and magic, and whose mother was Deichtine, younger sister of King Conchobar. Boasting supernatural power that set him apart from humans at a young age, he received the Original Runes and terrible magical spear Gaé Bolg from Scáthach. Truly, he was a man destined to become a hero. In Ireland, poetry and statues praising Cú Chulainn remain to this day.
Noble Phantasms
Barbed Spear of Piercing Death -- Gáe Bolg
Rank: B
Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 2-4
Maximum targets: 1 person
While this is a technique employing Gáe Bolg as a melee attack, it was originally a magic spear for throwing. With a technique that reverses the meaning of "cause and effect" in the order of things, the result that "the heart of the opponent has been pierced" is created earlier than the moment it is thrust. Accordingly, the cause that "the lance has pierced through the heart" is generated from it later. Without a great deal of Luck (such as Artoria's), it can be said that this is a technique with the determined outcome, "if it is released, the opponent is dead." However, against Servants like Heracles who can move even when their heart is destroyed, there is a small disadvantage. Compared to the Soaring Spear of Striking Death, both effective range and destructive power are weakened. However, it is worth mentioning that the magical energy cost is low. Because it has an effect as powerful as "almost certainly will destroy the enemy's heart" without requiring a terrific amount of magical power, Gáe Bolg is an excellent Noble Phantasm of outstanding utility.
Soaring Spear of Striking Death -- Gáe Bolg
Rank: B+
Type: Anti-army Noble Phantasm
Range: 5-40
Maximum targets: 50 persons
The largest and most powerful attack that can be delivered with Gáe Bolg. The "attack that unleashes countless darts at the enemy" spoken of in legends is the Soaring Spear of Striking Death. After a running start, Cú Chulainn takes to the air and activates the spear by hurling it towards the ground with all his might.
Different from the Barbed Spear of Piercing Death, this attack does not carry the property or concept of "always piercing the opponent’s heart," but instead has increased power and area of effect (intensive energy consumption). Regardless of the enemy's robust defenses or agile bodies, this technique that attacks all enemies within the target area in a carpet bombing fashion can send the enemy horde flying. In legend, the demonic spear is said to have split into thirty and hailed down on the enemy, but it seems the number increased after Cú Chulainn became a Heroic Spirit. During the battle with Emiya, Emiya praised the Soaring Spear of Striking Death as having "exceeded the original, Gungnir – Declaration of the Great God."
Class: Archer
Master: Kotomine Kirei
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sex: Male
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Armament: Armour
Noble Phantasm: EX
The great king depicted in mankind’s oldest epic, The Epic of Gilgamesh. He was an actual king who ruled Uruk, the capital city of ancient Mesopotamia during the Sumer Dynasty 5000 years ago.
As someone who was 2/3 god and 1/3 human, Gilgamesh possessed great divinity, and ruled as a tyrant who believed he was invincible. However, in response to the calls of those oppressed by Gilgamesh’s tyranny, the goddess Aruru created Enkidu and sent him to the earth to oppose Gilgamesh. Enkidu and Gilgamesh met as enemies, but came to acknowledge each other before long, and began to rule the kingdom together. Gilgamesh gradually began to change after making a friend who considered an equal, and Uruk experienced unprecedented prosperity. Eventually, Gilgamesh, as the greatest king, acquired all the treasures in the world.
Later, the goddess Ishtar wooed Gilgamesh, only to be bluntly rejected. Consequently, Ishtar unleashed the Bull of Heaven in a fit of rage, sowing destruction across the earth. When she failed again, Ishtar complained to the gods and caused the weakening and eventual death of Enkidu, who could not resist the will of the gods that created him. The death of Enkidu deeply shook Gilgamesh, and he set out for the underworld in order to acquire the potion of immortality. However, the potion was drunk by a snake, and Gilgamesh died in despair.
Gilgamesh battles by shooting the originals of all Noble Phantasms like bullets out of the Gate of Babylon. In contrast with its shocking destructive power, the magical cost of this tactic is extremely efficient. Each Noble Phantasm is a bullet, so the only magical energy used is merely the activation cost of Gate of Babylon. Because he possesses the originals of all Noble Phantasms, Gilgamesh can assault the weaknesses of any Servant. Thus, Gilgamesh has an advantage over most Servants in combat.
Because he has absolute self-confidence, Gilgamesh presents himself calmly before opponents. However, depending on his mood, he is not above killing without warning with a rain of Noble Phantasms from behind. The will of the king is not something that can be gauged by mere tactics.
Class Abilities
Magic Resistance: E
Resistance to magic gained through the class ability of Archer. However, since Gilgamesh did not have any abilities that can resist magecraft, it remains at the minimum level of E. Its effect is merely light damage mitigation against magic rather than full neutralization. The cause of his low Magic Resistance is probably related to his Master, Kotomine Kirei’s lack of magical energy. In reality, during the Fourth Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh’s Magic Resistance was elevated to C with Tohsaka Tokiomi as his Master.
Although his Magic Resistance is low, Gilgamesh is able to neutralize most magic due to having many items that defend against magic, such as the golden armor. The defensive power of these items is quite high, as Rin's spell was completely repelled.
For example, if magi attempt to use large-scale magic and act as "mongrels" that impede the king, Gilgamesh will simply unleash a raging wave of Noble Phantasms and completely crush them without giving them the time to cast spells.
Independent Action: A+
Gilgamesh is able to operate without a Master thanks to an Independent Action rank that sets him completely apart from the rest. With a rank of A+ that exceeds even rank A, the support of a Master is unnecessary even while unleashing a large amount of magical power. It is an ability that bends the rules and allows for the continued materialization of Servants even after the conclusion of the Holy Grail War. After being summoned as Archer during the Fourth Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh remained materialized for 10 years until the Fifth.
Since the Fourth Holy Grail War, the ability to freely operate without regard for the Master remained unchanged. However, the ability to remain materialized after the Holy Grail War was not gained until he was showered by the content of the Holy Grail. At the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh was absorbed for a while after being showered by the black mud spilled from the broken vessel of the Holy Grail. However, Gilgamesh could not even be digested by the mud that was filled with All the World’s Evil – Angra Mainyu. On the contrary, he was given a flesh body and regurgitated back into the present world. As a result, Gilgamesh was completely incarnated and continued to survive as an existence with a physical body. It is also of note that the super egotistical Gilgamesh was able to live in the human society for 10 years without much trouble, thanks to the changed shape and personality granted by the elixir of youth.
Personal Skills
Golden Rule: A
Being fated a life that is filled with riches. Gilgamesh lives the life of a nabob and has no money troubles. In the legend, he claimed all the world's treasure as his own. The originals of Noble Phantasms preserved in his treasury were collected during this period. Although this ability seems unrelated to battle, it plays a great role in arming Gilgamesh.
Caption: Upon seeing Gilgamesh’s golden figure, Rin half-jealously called him "Goldie."
Charisma: A+
Often praised as the greatest king, Gilgamesh's ability to command and lead great armies is excellent. Charisma is a rare talent, and a rank of B is sufficient to lead a nation, but Gilgamesh has a rank of A+. At this level, it is not a matter of popularity or skill, but closer to something like magic or a curse. An army led by Gilgamesh will enjoy a tremendous increase in ability.
Caption: An egotistical Gilgamesh radiating self-confidence will surely boost the morale of his army to an extremely high level.
Divinity: B (A+)
Due to being two-thirds divine, Gilgamesh possesses the highest level of divinity among the many Heroic Spirits. It exceeds even that of Heracles, the son of Zeus who ascended to the Pantheon after death. However, Gilgamesh despises the gods because they killed his best friend Enkidu, unleashed the Bull of Heaven onto the earth, and caused him no end of trouble. As a result, his divinity has decreased.
Gilgamesh is the demigod King of Heroes born from the union of Lugalbanda, King of Uruk, and the goddess Rimat-Ninsun.
Noble Phantasms
Star of Genesis Separating Heaven and Earth -- Enuma Elish
Rank: EX
Type: Anti-world Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-99
Maximum Targets: 1000 persons
The sword that cuts and divides the World, with output matching or exceeding that of Artoria's Excalibur. Its power will further increase with the support of Noble Phantasms within Gate of Babylon. More correctly, "Sword of Rupture – Ea" is the Noble Phantasm, while "Enuma Elish" is the state within which the Sword of Rupture unleashes its maximum output. By generating wind pressure strata, the attack crushes the enemies by simulating spatial rends. In addition, the names "Sword of Rupture – Ea" and "Enuma Elish" are all given by Gilgamesh. They are thought to be references to the Great God Ea (Enki) of the Mesopotamian and Babylonian myths, and the Babylonian creation myth Enuma Elish.
Caption: The ultimate sword that cannot be duplicated by Unlimited Blade Work. Gilgamesh calls it "something that knows the hellish planet before Heaven and Earth were two."
Caption: The three cylindrical blades spin in different directions, generating air pressure strata. Its power will not be neutralixed even when colliding with Excalibur.
The King's Treasures -- Gate of Babylon
Rank: E ~ A++
Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: -
A key-like sword that connects to the Golden Capital. The spatial connection with the treasury allows free access to the items within. The rank ranges from E to A++ because Gilgamesh put all the originals of Noble Phantasms into the treasury. In other words, "E ~ A++" reflects the rank of the items in the treasury. If the treasury did not contain a wealth of valuables, then it would not be a useful Noble Phantasm.
Gilgamesh's favorite Noble Phantasm within the Gate of Babylon is "Enkidu," the chain which captured the Bull of Heaven. It is an anti-god Noble Phantasm that increases in strength in proportion with the target's divinity, and was able to completely seal Herakles.
Class: Archer
Master: Tohsaka Rin
Alignment: True Neutral
Sex: Male
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Armament: Outfit
Noble Phantasm: ??
Life as a Human
This is Emiya Shirou after becoming a Heroic Spirit in the future. He stubbornly trained himself after the Holy Grail War, and pursued the dream of becoming a champion of justice. However, he soon fell into despair as he realized that his own power was insufficient to save mankind. Before the dying people, Emiya made a pact with the World and became a hero that could produce miracles, yet died a tragic death anyway to the treachery of his allies. Although he died of betrayal, he did not hate mankind. Ironically, the World charged him as a Heroic Spirit to slaughter all humans at a particular location when mankind is at the threshold of complete self-destruction -- a Counter Guardian.
Since Emiya is a Heroic Spirit from the future, he has no blessings provided by fame. In addition, he possesses no Noble Phantasms, and as a result his basic abilities are below that of the other Servants. However, his exceptional use of tactics and battle experience makes his combat style distinct from the other Servants. The Archer class originally focuses on long range combat, but Emiya enjoys melee combat and wishes to conceal his trump card, so he focuses on melee tactics when engaging other Servants with his swords Gànjiàng and Mòyē.
Emiya is able to match or even exceed other Servants without Noble Phantasms thanks to the Reality Marble Unlimited Blade Works, which includes "all elements necessary to shape swords." This field can copy weapons that have only been seen once, and store them within. In the Fifth Holy Grail War, the weapons in storage had exceeded thousands. Emiya can freely draw out and use the weapons according to the situation, and he can also attack the enemy by launching many Noble Phantasms from the Reality Marble like arrows in the same way as Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon.
Emiya's trump card is launching copied Noble Phantasms as arrows – Broken Phantasm. On impact, the magical force will explode, generating overwhelming destructive power. By assaulting melee Servants with this type of long range attack, Emiya is able to turn the odds to his favor.
Class Abilities
Magic Resistance: D
Emiya’s Magic Resistance is weak; its rank is D. In other words, spells greater than one bar will overwhelm this resistance. The benefit it provides is equivalent to an anti-magical amulet. This level of resistance can be easily overcome by a relatively powerful magus.
Although Emiya was a magus during his life and possesses unusual Projection magic, his affinity with magic is far inferior to that of ancient Heroic Spirits to whom magic and Sorcery were commonplace. The level of Magic Resistance is a result of this.
For Emiya, who possesses low Magic Resistance, it is easy to picture the kind of effects high thaumaturgy and rituals can have on him. Even spells greater than two steps can be lethal to him. Because of this, Emiya is at a disadvantage against Caster, who has powerful magic at her disposal. Depending on the situation, Emiya may even have to guard against attacks by Masters who are magi.
Independent Action: B
Normally, if a Servant loses its Master, it will disappear within hours if it cannot replenish the mana required to remain in the world. The amount of time each Heroic Spirit has before disappearing varies, but Emiya can remain in this world for 2 days due to rank B Independent Action. However, this is the ideal value achieved by maximally conserving energy and avoiding battle and Noble Phantasm usage.
In the UBW route, Emiya's Master changed from Rin to Medea, and after Medea’s death, he continued to operate independently and battled Emiya Shirou. These events demonstrated Emiya's ability to survive on his own. In addition, even if Emiya's spiritual core sustains lethal damage, he can still survive for a short period. This is why Emiya was able to secretly observe Shirou and Rin's battle as a spiritual body after being defeated earlier. Additionally, after the battle between Shirou and Gilgamesh had concluded at Ryuudou Temple, Emiya appeared before Gilgamesh as he attempted to pull Shirou into the darkness. He shot an arrow between Gilgamesh's eyes and sent the golden Servant into the abyss. The arrow loosed at that time was a mundane arrow, and Emiya began to gradually disappear after this attack, so this was probably the limit of his materialization.
Personal Skills
Clairvoyance: C
The visual ability also known as "Eagle Eyes." It is an essential ability of the Archer class. It is also frequently used during scouting. Simply observing from a high position is sufficient to fully survey the town and search for enemies. In addition, Clairvoyance influences the accuracy of bows. When Emiya readies his bow, he can precisely snipe enemies even moving at high speeds, as long as they are within a 4 km range.
Caption: Archer, who possesses Clairvoyance, is able to execute “extreme long-range sniping” with superhuman accuracy.
Magic: C-
The magic learned by Emiya during his lifetime was unremarkable. Before he became a Heroic Spirit, even Reinforcement was quite difficult. However, the Projection magic Emiya wields is quite special, as it is able to duplicate weapons, including all components, to near perfection. In addition, during duplication, he can even read the wielder's skills, which grants him access all kinds of Noble Phantasms and combat skills.
Caption: During his life time, Emiya used the preliminary step of Projection – "structural analysis," to find the location of an item’s fault and proceed with repair.
Mind's Eye (True): B
A danger-avoidance ability that utilizes intelligence collected up to the current time to predict the opponent's activity and change the current situation. This is not a result of innate talent, but rather an overwhelming amount of combat experience. Mind's Eye (True) is a weapon wielded by none other than a mortal and earned through tenacious training. Using this skill, Emiya was able to successfully counter Cú Chulainn’s imperceptible thrusts.
Caption: Even with rank B Mind's Eye (True), Emiya was unable to see through Emiya Shirou's passion-infused strike, on which the boy staked all of his ideals.
Noble Phantasm
Unlimited Blade Works
Rank: E ~ A++
Type: ???
Range: ???
Maximum Targets: ???
Emiya's Reality Marble. It is his ability as a Heroic Spirit with no Noble Phantasms. The inside of the Reality Marble is a world like a steel mill, filled with weapons, flames, and giant gears. Innumerable swords are stored within, staked in the earth. The majority of the weapons persevered in the reality marble are Noble Phantasms of Heroic Spirits copied through Projection magic, each possessing deadly powers. Although the majority of the weapons are swords, the Noble Phantasm said to provide absolute defense against projectiles, Rho Aias, is also copied and stored in the Reality Marble. Also, the power of replicated Noble Phantasms is degraded by one rank compared to the originals.
Not only can Emiya freely access the weapons stored inside Unlimited Blade Works, he can also modify them at will as he does with Caladbolg II. In addition, he capitalizes on his ability to Project weapons in succession, using Noble Phantasms as disposable arrows and unleashing the magical energy stored within – a tactic known as Broken Phantasm.
Rho Aias
The shield used by Ajax, a hero of Trojan War. This barrier Noble Phantasm provides absolute defense against projectile weapons.
Gànjiàng & Mòyē
Famous swords of Chinese legend, these male and female paired swords are based on the yin-yang principle. They are Emiya's favorite projected melee weapons.
Caladbolg II
The legendary sword Caladbolg of the Ulster Cycle, Projected and modified by Emiya. It has obvious utility as a sword, but is used as a Broken Phantasm arrow.
Class: Rider
Master: Matou Sakura
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sex: Female
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Armament: Dagger
Noble Phantasm: A+
Medusa was a frightening female monster in Greek mythology. She had a nest of poisonous snakes for hair, copper green scales for skin, golden wings on her back, and eyes that would turn anyone that met them to stone.
The story in which the hero Perseus slew Medusa is famous even in Japan. It's said that Perseus' divine blade Harpe sheared through Medusa's scaly skin, and Medusa's head contained the power of petrification even after being severed.
Medusa was originally a goddess, but a curse by the goddess Athena degraded her to a monster. The story goes that Medusa, overly proud of her own beauty, desecrated a temple to Athena.
According to the Theogony describing the genealogy of the Greek gods, Medusa had a pair of twin older sisters named Stheno and Euryale. Together they were known as the three Gorgon (derived from ancient Greek gorgós, meaning "dreadful") sisters.
It is written that the aboriginal Pelasgians worshiped Medusa when she was still a goddess. After the Pelasgians were conquered by other groups, Medusa was demonized from a great earth goddess into a monster.
After becoming a Heroic Spirit, she retains her wholesome beauty even while possessing the Mystic Eyes of Petrification. Her flying steed Pegasus was said to have been born from a piece of her severed head, or created by her blood when it dripped into the ocean.
Medusa specializes in close combat, taking advantage of her high Agility and Monstrous Strength. Her weapons of choice are chained daggers. While quite lethal, they are not Noble Phantasms, so it is difficult to deal critical blows with them when fighting Servants. Medusa excels in a fight using Noble Phantasms. She can annihilate many enemies at once using her anti-army Noble Phantasm Bellerophon (Bridle of Chivalry), which requires an enormous amount of energy. Additionally, she has several methods of attack that can be adapted to a wide variety of situations, such as Blood Fort Andromeda (Outsider Seal - Blood Temple) which can close off a targeted area and dissolve the humans inside to feed on their energy, and Cybele (Mystic Eyes of Petrification) which is normally sealed beneath her blindfold.
Class Abilities
Magic Resistance: B
Originally a Greek goddess that turned into a monster, Medusa possesses extremely high Magic Resistance. The Magic Resistance ability that the Rider class possesses is weaker than that of the three knight classes, but the fact that it remains so high is thanks to Medusa's inherently high Magic Resistance.
Rank B Magic Resistance easily nullifies spells of three bars or less. It is also difficult to damage Medusa with even high thaumaturgy and grand rituals. Moreover, Medusa herself is skilled in magic, so she has countless ways to counter enemy spells. In other words, Medusa is excellent at fighting magi. Supporting all this is her Agility -- compared to Lancer who boasts the same level of "speed," Medusa is inferior in sudden bursts, but has more endurance. Even with powerful spells, it is extremely hard to hit her as she will keep moving at high speed.
Riding: A+
As might be expected of the Servant Rider, Medusa posses a high rank in the Riding ability. But instead of covering only specific animals and vehicles, her ability extends to nearly all beasts, including Phantasmal Beasts and Divine Beasts. However, even with an excellent Riding rank, she cannot ride dragons.
The steed that makes best use of Medusa's Riding ability is the legendary winged horse Pegasus. Mastering a winged horse of the Phantasmal Species is a difficult accomplishment even for Rider-class Servants. When riding the heavenly mount that was born of her own blood, both rider and steed move as one.
When the Noble Phantasm Bellerophon is used, all of Pegasus's abilities are drastically increased for a limited time. Even in the story, this combination was able to toy with Saber by attacking from the skies, forcing her into a difficult battle.
Be that as it may, the only time Medusa was able to use Bellerophon was in her fight against Artoria. During the modern Holy Grail War which unfolded in a sprawling city, Medusa had few opportunities to use her Riding ability. Perhaps because of this, she was eliminated without sufficient chance to use her power.
Personal Skills
Mystic Eyes: A
Eyes that originally function to collect visual information are instead a method to impart magical effects upon a subject. Medusa possesses the Mystic Eyes of Petrification "Cybele", which are Mystic Eyes of the highest order. As in her legend, subjects caught in her vision will be petrified if their MGI is C or lower.
Caption: Medusa's Mystic Eyes of Petrification cannot be replicated by magic.
Independent Action: C
The ability to materialize independently. If the Master is lost (or if the contract is nullified), Medusa can continue to materialize for one day. Since Medusa can also obtain energy by drinking blood, she can prey on humans as the situation demands and extend this duration.
Caption: Thanks to Independent Action, Medusa was able to return to Sakura after Matou Shinji was defeated.
Monstrous Strength: B
Medusa has this skill due to her property as a monster despite being a Heroic Spirit. If used, she can temporarily amplify her Strength. This is a necessary skill to Medusa, who does not fight with Noble Phantasms in close combat. It has many uses with her chained daggers, such as forcibly dragging an impaled opponent around.
Caption: Medusa possesses high close combat ability thanks to Monstrous Strength.
Divinity: E-
In Greek mythology, Medusa was once a beautiful goddess, so she originally had very high Divinity. However, because she later became a monster, she is an unusual being possessing the "monstrous" attribute that is antithetical to normal Heroic Spirits. Thanks to this, Medusa manifests as both a goddess with Riding, and a monster possessing Mystic Eyes, Monstrous Strength and so forth. Nonetheless, her aptitude as a goddess Divine Spirit is mostly degraded.
However, her Divinity has not been completely eliminated, and it appears that she still has it.
Noble Phantasms
Self Seal - Temple of Darkness -- Breaker Gorgon
Rank: C-
Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Maximum Targets: 1 person
One of Medusa's anti-personnel Noble Phantasms, Breaker Gorgon is the counterpart Bounded Field to Blood Fort Andromeda. While the target's consciousness is sealed within Medusa's mind, the target can be prevented from activating any abilities. Also, Medusa primarily uses this somewhat weak Noble Phantasm not on others, but on herself to seal her Mystic Eyes of Petrification that are normally always active.
Though mainly used to seal Mystic Eyes, its original use is to exert a degree of mind control on the opponent. Actually, when she took control of enemy Master Emiya Shirou's mind and gave him erotic dreams, she was actually trying to extract magical energy from him. Also, it requires only a steady stream of energy to have an effect. It is difficult for individuals with low magic resistance to notice it, much less avoid it.
Bridle of Chivalry -- Bellerophon
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-army Noble Phantasm
Range: 2-50
Maximum Targets: 300 persons
Medusa's most powerful attack. It is not a Noble Phantasm to be used in a one-on-one fight, but rather an "anti-army Noble Phantasm" that can cut down enemies in a wide area. An uncommon type of Noble Phantasm consisting of a paired bridle and whip, it can rapidly augment the abilities of Phantasmal Species. In battle, the strengthened Phantasmal Beast and Medusa fight as one.
Bellerophon is extraordinarily powerful whether used defensively or offensively. However, during the Holy Grail War, it could not display its merit when matched against the more powerful Noble Phantasm wielded by Artoria. Nonetheless, the fact alone that it temporarily withstood a full frontal attack by Excalibur is evidence of its great power.
Outsider Seal - Fresh Blood Temple -- Blood Fort Andromeda
Rank: B
Type: Anti-army Noble Phantasm
Range: 10-40
Maximum Targets: 500 persons
One of Medusa's Noble Phantasms, Blood Fort Andromeda is the counterpart Bounded Field to Breaker Gorgon. It takes the form of magic circles placed as predetermined points. Immediately following the placing of these circles, people within the affected area will only have their life force sapped slightly, but once the field is activated, they will be quickly dissolved. However, it is difficult to affect people with knowledge of thaumaturgy. Thus, it is not a Noble Phantasm to be used for combat, but rather a Bounded Field created by Medusa to efficiently gather magical energy.
In the Holy Grail War, Blood Fort Andromeda was deployed at Homurabara Academy and activated. From outside the field, the school appeared normal as usual, but the interior was stained with blood, as its name suggests.
Class: Caster
Master: Kuzuki Souichirou
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Sex: Female
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Armament: None
Noble Phantasm: C
Medea, the daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis in Greece, was a priestess trained by Hecate, the goddess of magic. While she was raised without any discomfort, her fate was shaken greatly by the arrival of the ship Argo that sought the Golden Fleece.
Having fallen under the goddess Aphrodite's curse to fall in love with Jason, the Argo's captain, Medea stole the Golden Fleece from her father and attempted to flee the country together with Jason. Furthermore, to stall her father's ship that had been following them, she violently tore her brother to pieces and scattered his remains in the sea. With this, Medea lost a home to return to, and came to be despised as a "witch" by the people. Afterwards, in order to let her beloved Jason sit on the throne, Medea continued to murder any opposition with magic and conspiracies. However, her practices disgusted Jason and caused him to gradually become adverse to her. Eventually, Jason switched his interests to another woman, going so far as to have children, which Medea could not forgive. She murdered his new wife and children with witchcraft, and inflicted a miserable end upon the brokenhearted Jason.
Medea's obsession and cruelty earned her the "witch" moniker, but she ultimately gained little from her inhuman deeds. Theories remain suggesting that Medea, who obtained an immortal body through her devotion to magical research, became the reigning queen of the paradise Elysium.
Having mastered magic from the Age of Gods, Medea possessed extraordinary power as a magus. However, because her physical ability as a Servant was the lowest, she was at a disadvantage in battles against Servants with high Magic Resistance. Thus, she employed the basic tactic of employing Dragon Tooth Warriors as pawns while avoiding direct combat to the best of her ability. Even in combination with Kuzuki, he went on the assault while she played a magical support role. She laid out a stratagem to summon the Servant Assassin (Sasaki Kojirō) and order him to guard the Ryuudou Temple gate, while she gathered power and used her own Noble Phantasm to destroy the other Servants' contracts and make them into her allies.
Class Skills
Territory Creation: A
The ability to create a territory to gather magical energy is a special characteristic of the Caster class. Medea's inherent magical capacity is not that great, but by expanding her territory to collect energy, it becomes possible for her to use high level magic. Moreover, because the place Medea selected to establish her territory is the underground limestone cave where the Greater Grail was established -- Ryuudou Temple, the most sacred ground of Fuyuki City -- it is possible to gather an enormous amount of energy in a short time. In addition to independently summoning the Servant Assassin, she secured Ryuudou Temple as her main base solely to reserve enough power to compel Artoria and EMIYA to obey her after using "Rule Breaker" on them. Furthermore, the influence of her created territory extends not only to Ryuudou Temple but also to its surroundings. The rapid breakdown in the health of those inhabiting the periphery of the territory was because their life force was plundered for energy.
Because Medea best understood the importance of the Ryuudou Temple, she ordered Sasaki Kojirō to guard the gate, and the interior was fortified so that it could not be easily invaded. Furthermore, immediately following the beginning of the Holy Grail War, Medea almost never left Ryuudou Temple, instead hiding within the grounds and biding her resources. However, as soon as she judged that she had collected enough energy for combat, she left her territory and went on the offensive.
Tool Construction: A
Another skill granted to the Caster class. It is possible to construct enchanted tools, from implements of war to items for daily use. Many different articles can be made at will.
The dragon tooth warriors on the next page were made using this ability. In addition, it is also possible to make magical implements known as Mystic Codes. As Mystic Codes are used as devices to supplement magic, or wielded as tools to activate specific effects during magical combat, this is a typical skill for a magus to possess. However, with a Tool Construction rank of A, there is a great difference between the Mystic Codes that other magi build and the artifacts that Medea can create. Also, this skill requires time to gather components and manufacture items. This is why she spent most of her efforts on Territory Creation and focused on creating dragon tooth warriors. Though it requires preparation and planning, given enough time Tool Construction has the potential to be a formidable asset.
Personal Skills
High-Speed Divine Words: A
A skill that assists magical incantations. Normally, the length of an incantation increases with the scale of the magic being performed, but this skill allows chants to be greatly abbreviated. It is particularly useful for direct attack magic. There are many examples of Medea personally using direct attack magic during the Holy Grail War, but in the fight against Emiya she instantly unleashed countless blasts of light in an attack comparable to high thaumaturgy.
Caption: As long as a caster using High-Speed Divine Words has enough energy, she can continually fire powerful magical attacks.
Golden Fleece: EX
The pelt of the golden-furred winged ram of Colchis. It contains the legend, "if thrown on the earth, a dragon will appear." Medea does not have the skill to summon the dragon, so she is unable to to do so even if she uses the Golden Fleece. This secret treasure might well have been the heart of the events that altered Medea's fate for the worse.
The Golden Fleece appears in Greek mythology, beginning with the marriage of King Athamas of Thessaly to his second wife Ino. Ino, who despised the children Athamas had with his first wife, the cloud goddess Nephele, plotted to kill the prince Phrixus by telling the king a false oracle and sacrificing the prince in a ritual. But then, Phrixus rescued his sister Helle at the altar. Helle rode a winged ram with golden fleece to safety, brought to her by Hermes, one of the Twelve Olympians. With the help of his sister, Phrixus went to Colchis, sacrificed the meat of the golden ram to Zeus, and offered its pelt to King Aeetes of Colchis. From then on, the Golden Fleece was passed down as a secret treasure of the royal house of Colchis.
Medea used many different types of magic during the Holy Grail War. Against nearby humans, she employed mind control, hypnosis, and other spells to gather intelligence and eliminate threats. She also used magic to lure Emiya Shirou into her own workshop.
In combat, she supported her Master Kuzuki Souichirou, who wielded the assassination technique "Snake." Souichirou, who seemed powerful enough to overwhelm a Servant, was actually being magically Reinforced to give him enough destructive power to damage a Servant.
Additionally, Medea used spatial teleportation whenever she was attacked. This spell was highly versatile.
Magical Tools
Dragon Tooth Soldiers
Magic that uses dragon teeth as foci to create golems. This is one of the magics Medea specialized in, passed down to the king of Colchis long ago. The combat strength of one Dragon Tooth Soldier is no match for a Servant, and even a human Master can deal with one. However, they are dangerous in large numbers. Medea used these golems to buy time to advance her plans. The soldiers are not necessarily homogeneous in appearance, showing variations in the weapons they wield.
Noble Phantasm
All Seals Must Be Broken -- Rule Breaker
Rank: C
Type: Anti-magic
Range: 1
Maximum Targets: 1 person
A Noble Phantasm with an ability clearly unlike that of the other Servants' Noble Phantasms. Its efficiency as a weapon is virtually nil, but it has the ability to "break" (as in, "violation of commandment" or "transgression of law") any magic on a target pierced by its blade. Targets that can be broken are contracts and life forms formed from magical energy. Rule Breaker can reset the condition of the target to the state before magic was used on it. In other words, magical contracts are wiped clean, and magical life forms are forcibly sublimated. Thus, its utility is quite limited, but it is extremely powerful within the context of the Servant system of the Holy Grail War.
In practice, Medea successfully used this Noble Phantasm to nullify the contracts between other Masters and their Servants. For a time, Artoria and Emiya served Medea as her own Servants.
Hassan-i Sabbāh
Class: Assassin
Master: Matou Zouken
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Sex: Male
Height: 215 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Armament: Dagger
Noble Phantasm: C
The legend of the "Old Man of the Mountain" has appeared even in The Travels of Marco Polo. He was the head of an order of assassins who sought out promising young candidates and recruited them with promises of food, drink, and women, in exchange for assassinating important figures.
This legend had its origins in the 11th century. It originated with Nizari subbranch of Ismāʿīlism, a branch of Shia Islam. They were known as a radical sect. The progenitor of the Nizari was Hassan-i Sabbāh himself. Hassan, who had deep connections to the fallen Fatimid Caliphate, opposed the great Seljuq dynasty, repeatedly assaulting it with war and assassination. Tales of an order of assassins in later centuries were based on this historical truth.
In the world of Fate/stay night, the name Hassan-i Sabbāh was a title among the Nizari people, whose heir would remove his or her nose and skin to become a faceless person. It is believed that the origin of the term "assassin" is either Hassan's name, or the hashish that he used as a brainwashing drug. Hassan's summoning catalyst is the Assassin class itself. For this reason, a properly summoned Assassin will always manifest as Hassan-i Sabbāh.
Hassan appears only a few times in the story. Normally, he moves stealthily, collecting intelligence per the orders of his Master, Matou Zouken. Hassan only shows himself when it is time to kill an enemy.
Hassan himself not a strong Servant. He displays his combat strength through surprise attacks, and is ill-suited to frontal assaults. Thus, Hassan waits for opportunities to arise with an invariable/absolute/certain chance of killing the target. There is no need for him to pursue the superhuman Servants. Instead, he waits for the perfect chance to get close to a Master, whom he can easily defeat...
Class Abilities
Presence Concealment: A+
The greatest weapon of the Assassin class is Presence Concealment. When this power is activated, it is possible to completely cut off one's presence. When Hassan is thus concealed, it is impossible even for a Servant to sense his presence. One would not be able to tell if Hassan was approaching, if he had already left the area, or if he had even been there in the first place... Thus, Hassan is able to gather intelligence with impunity. Security systems of any kind are meaningless before him.
Also, Hassan-i Sabbāh is a being created from the nineteen people that inherited the name. When Assassin is summoned, one of those nineteen individuals will appear. Naturally, Assassin's abilities and Noble Phantasms change depending on which Hassan is summoned. However, the excellent Presence Concealment skill is a class ability, so it is shared by all Assassins. As described above, each Hassan has removed his or her nose and skin to create a faceless appearance, which carries the significance of being "nobody." It is hypothesized that the anonymity of being "nobody," the elimination of the self, also influences Presence Concealment's ability to "hide oneself." Incidentally, the nineteen Hassans each have unique personalities, so the reader should take care to remember that they are not emotionless fighting machines.
Each "Hassan" is not quite a Heroic Spirit, but rather merely a wraith (Heroic Spirits are heroes that have left their names in history, and assassins have no names). In comparison to the other Servants, Assassin's combat ability is lacking. However, the outlook changes if Assassin uses Presence Containment to acquire a perfect killing opportunity. Even if the first blow fails to defeat the enemy, Assassin can conceal himself again with Presence Concealment, and vigilantly await a new opportunity. As a matter of fact, even the formidable Cu Chulainn was easily defeated when he faced Hassan.
Nonetheless, there are weaknesses. In the moment that the user launches an attack, the rank of Presence Concealment dramatically decreases. A normal person would fail to notice the killing intent and be sent to the world beyond. However, Hassan's opponents are Servants. For example, with Artoria's Instinct, it is possible to sense the presence of a trap and respond to it. Strategic planning on the Master's part is essential to make the best use of this crafty Servant.
Personal Skills
Throwing (Dagger): B
Hassan's main mode of attack is to throw dirks, a type of dagger that originated in Scotland. His daggers have the same destructive power as firearms when thrown, spelling certain death for a human target. Interestingly, Hassan will never fail to recover all of his thrown daggers after battle, perhaps out of a possessive quirk of personality, or an aesthetic desire to only use his favorite weapons.
Caption: Hassan silently closes in on Kotomine Kirei. Hassan threw his daggers, but Kotomine fended them off.
Protection from Wind: A
In the Middle East, there are legends that typhoons are caused by evil wind gods called djinni (alternately "jinn," "jinnaye"). Divine Protection from Wind is a chant that offers prayers to God, that oneself might receive a charm of protection against the calamity of such evil spirits. To call it a "charm" smacks of superstition, but the strength of its warding is tremendous. Hassan used this skill to resist Artoria's powerful Bounded Field of the Wind King -- Invisible Air.
Caption: Hassan uses Protection from Wind. A hidden, sacred charm is woven, and his body is imbued with its divine protection.
Self-Modification: C
As its title suggests, this is the ability to alter oneself by connecting one's own flesh to another body. One can increase the length of one's legs, for example, resulting in a form far removed from that of a proper Heroic Spirit. Hassan, whose abilities are below that of the other Servants, uses Self-Modification to enhance his physical performance and make up for his deficits. In the story, he seized Cu Chulainn's heart and introduced it to his own body.
Caption: Hassan, deformed via Self-Modification. His right arm is changing into the arm of the devil Shaytan.
Noble Phantasm
Delusional Heartbeat -- Zabaniya
Rank: C
Type: Anti-personnel
Range: 3-9
Maximum targets: 1 person
The assassination technique, "Delusional Heartbeat," that uses Hassan's cursed arm. Hassan connects his arm to the arm of the devil Shaytan (Satan in Christian cosmology). This ability specializes in cursing people to death.
A mirror image is taken of the target to be killed, and from this mirror an ether clump is used to create an exact double existence. This double existence has a property of resonance with the original, so that if the double existence is harmed, the original will suffer the same damage. This can be considered sympathetic magic, albeit of an extremely high level. With this technique, an imitation heart belonging to the target is crushed, and the target dies without any outward sign of injury as its heart alone is pulverized. All armor is meaningless against Delusional Heartbeat's attack. No matter how mighty the foe, they cannot withstand this Noble Phantasm which directly assaults the inner organs. It is indeed a terrifying Noble Phantasm worthy of an assassin.
Defending against Zabaniya
Delusional Heartbeat is a Noble Phantasm of absolute death. However, as with other Noble Phantasms, it is neither invincible nor perfect.
The ability's effective range is limited, so if one retreats past this distance and uses long-range attacks, Assassin is helpless. Also, Delusional Heartbeat is a curse, so it may be ineffective against Servants with high Magic Resistance, while targets with high Luck may be able to evade it. Additionally, there is the critical fact that the heart organ is not the vital point of a Servant. There also exist exceptional opponents such as Servants that can move without a heart, or individuals that are unaffected by a destroyed heart such as Kotomine Kirei.
Sasaki Kojirō
Class: Assassin
Master: Medea
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Sex: Male
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Weapon: Katana
Noble Phantasm: ??
Sasaki Kojirō. A Japanese man without a real identity, and it may not be an overstatement to say that he never existed. He was described as the rival of dual-wielding sword master Miyamoto Musashi, and a handsome swordsman who skillfully wielded the three shaku-long (approximately 1 m) nodachi “Bizen Osahune Nagamitsu” which is also called “Monohoshi Zao”. His duel with Miyamoto Musashi at Funajima Island, lines such as “Kojirō has been defeated!”, and his death by boat oar are all legendary tales. Although he was said to be the disciple of Chujo-ryu kodachi master Toda Seigen, there are numerous contradictory records and legends, so his true identity is still a mystery.
The “Sasaki Kojirō” summoned in Fate/stay night is not a Heroic Spirit. He is a being closer to wraiths. He was a nameless martial artist given the name Sasaki Kojirō, and there is no way to know what his original identity was. He seemed to be related to the Ryuudou Temple. He uses a long Japanese katana and discovered the ultimate technique "Swallow Counter"... and these are his sole possessions. His pursuit of swordsmanship, sophistication, and the joy of dueling with strong foes are all reminiscent of the legendary Sasaki Kojirō: cool and elegant.
Assassin's weapon differs from Kojirō's in that his sword is longer (approximately 1.5m), and the engraving on the katana is "Bicchu Aoe" (Blue River of Bicchu).
Although a Servant of the Assassin class, Kojirō does not employ assassination techniques such as ambush, instead electing to fight face-to-face. During battle, Assassin counters the opponent’s attack with sword techniques and Mind's Eye, or with simple evasion. If he detects an opening, his 5-shaku katana would decapitate the opponent with certainty. Assassin can deliver slashes even while standing idly, without assuming any stances. His technique is extremely swift, and difficult to read. Sasaki Kojirō’s ultimate weapon is the technique that has reached the pinnacle of training and approaches Sorcery -- the Swallow Counter. It is an attack that delivers 3 slashes simultaneously, enough to overwhelm even Artoria.
Class Abilities
Presence Concealment: D
Since he is not a true Servant Assassin, this is not a class ability. It is his intrinsic ability as a martial artist to “cut off his presence”. This is not a skill to hide, but a technique of the mind for the martial artist to become one with his surroundings. Because this is not a skill trained for assassination, it cannot match the Presence Concealment of Hassan. In reality, a Sasaki Kojirō who cuts off his presence is an opponent that is hard to detect even for a Servant. It is extremely difficult to perceive Kojirō during the first encounter. However, because his activity is restrained to within the range of the Ryuudou Temple Gate, those who know the existence of Kojirō can detect him relatively easily. With this said, due to Kojirō's personality, battles are usually commenced only after the parties have presented and introduced themselves. As a result, this ability is rarely used for its original purpose.
Personal Abilities
Mind's Eye (False): A
Precognitive "Spidey-sense" or sixth sense, this is very different from Emiya's danger avoidance based on "predictions augmented by experience". It may be called a natural talent to sense danger. During the Grail War, in the battle with Artoria, Kojirō crossed blades with an invisible sword numerous times. He was able to use this ability to gauge even the length and width of the sword, and see through the fact that Artoria was unable to use her Noble Phantasm attack due to a lack of magical energy.
Caption: Grasping the weapon and style of his opponent after crossing blades only a few times, Kojirō's perception is the best among the Servants.
Evanescence: B+
An ability commonly called “heart of clear water”. More precisely, it is a mental state acquired after reaching the pinnacle of arduous training. With this ability, Kojirō is able to maintain a cool and collected heart, regardless the situation. For example, he will not waver even in the face of his own death. During battle, mental interference such as charm and fear spells cast by the opponent are completely neutralized. This ability is certainly very useful to a gatekeeper.
Caption: Like the many trees that surround the Ryuudou Temple, Kojirō watches the gate in silence with a heart of clear water, just like an unwavering guardian.
Sense of Subtle Elegance*: B
A special ability that prevents the reduction of accuracy regardless of the number of times the same technique has been used on one foe. In other words, the ability to “render one’s attacks unreadable to the enemy”. Although Kojirō and Artoria crossed blades numerous times, this ability prevented Artoria from adapting to Kojirō’s technique despite her rank A Instinct. Paired with Kojirō’s unique techniques that constantly target the opponent's head, the effect is vastly increased.
Caption: Despite repeatedly challenging him, Artoria still could not see through Kojirō’s techniques. She was always forced back to square one and fought as if it was their first encounter.
*[actual name is "Knowledge of Sōwa". Sōwa-ryū is a tea ceremony school founded in the 16th century.]
Swallow Counter
The ultimate sword technique that assaults the opponent simultaneously from three directions. Strictly speaking, this is neither a Noble Phantasm nor a magical phenomenon. The nameless martial artist who materialized as “Kojirō” sought nothing but the pinnacle of swordsmanship during his life. He trained himself in pursuit of swordsmanship, doing nothing but swinging his sword. After a long time, his technique finally reached another state. A flash from this world, followed by two absolutely simultaneous, overlapping flashes that disregard the concept of time and space, produce a slashing attack that arrives from three different directions. This is the “Multidimensional Refraction Phenomenon — Kischua Zelretch” that transcends mundane factors like speed or dexterity. Although with some limitations, a nameless martial artist who knows naught of magic or Sorcery is able to tread into the realm of the “Second Sorcery”.
The range of this skill is approximately 3 meters. In order to deliver the first strike as a horizontal slash, Kojirō relinquished his higher ground over Artoria and moved to an equal footing before unleashing this technique. It is apparent how special a technique the Swallow Counter is to Kojirō, who normally never assumes stances, to see him lift his sword and then swiftly launch the technique.
Class: Berserker
Master: Illyasviel von Einzbern
Alignment: Chaotic Insane
Sex: Male
Height: 253 cm
Weight: 311 kg
Armament: Axe-sword
Noble Phantasm: A
A demigod hero of Greek mythology, Heracles was born of a union between the king of the gods Zeus, and a human girl. He was subject to terrible hatred by Zeus' wife Hera because of his origins, and was tormented by the goddess at every turn. However, he overcame all the difficulties inflicted on him, and was enshrined as a god in the end.
Heracles had an extremely violent temperament as an infant, and was raised as a shepherd to calm his heart. Having grown into a fine adult, Heracles was recognized for several feats, and gained two children as well as the right of succession to the throne. However, Hera inflicted temporary insanity on Heracles, and he killed his wife and children, ending up as a slave to the king to atone for his sins. Here, the jealous king gave him a challenge, the famous Twelve Labors. The Labors were all things that no human could achieve, but Heracles completed them safely, and at the same time he was freed from slavery, he received an immortal body.
However, the adventures of Heracles did not end there, nor was Hera's hatred exhausted. The goddess' numerous schemes resulted in Heracles' poisoning by his second wife. In his final moments, Heracles cremated himself, surrendering to Zeus's judgment. The gods held a meeting and finally recognized Heracles' feats, and he was recruited to the pantheon to be a god like his father, becoming a constellation.
Heracles is an excellent warrior who possesses the qualifications for the six classes other than Caster. He specializes with the bow, but he has mastered all weapons. However, this only applies when he is not a Berserker. Heracles as a Berserker has lost his intellect, and exists only to utterly defeat the enemy head-on as directed by Illya. Naturally, he thinks nothing of detailed tactics, relying on his physical ability and a massive axe-sword. Astonishingly, even in this state he demonstrates hand-to-hand combat prowess superior to every Servant. He spares no thought for defense, leaving that to his Noble Phantasm "Twelve Labors."
Class Skills
Mad Enhancement: B
This Class Skill characterizes Berserker, augmenting the user's abilities at the cost of reason. Heracles possesses the skill at Rank B; in compensation for losing most of his sanity, all of his parameters are boosted. Heracles beat his harp instructor to death when he was a child, and had many episodes when he killed people in rage without even hearing them speak. It seems that for Heracles, a maddened Berserker was an easy class to adapt to. To facilitate control when out of combat, Illya suppresses the rank of Mad Enhancement.
As one of the strongest Heroic Spirits, Heracles was undoubtedly the strongest among the Servants even when restricted to simple close-combat. However, because of Mad Enhancement, a variety of techniques and skills, and a portion of his Noble Phantasms are lost. Heracles' emotions were sealed and he was unable to perform any actions out of free will, but some trace of reasons remained within his core, leading to occasions where he felt something like a desire to protect Illya.
Personal Skills
Battle Continuation: A
A skill that allows for the continuation of combat after sustaining mortal wounds. It also reduces the mortality rate from injury. Cú Chulainn’s Battle Continuation represents his sheer tenacity, while Heracles' skill represents his ability to survive. The Twelve Labors Noble Phantasm that revives Heracles even from death has exceptional compatibility with Battle Continuation, with represents one's difficulty of dying.
Caption: This skill produces optimal effects when combined with a resilient body.
Mind's Eye (False): B
A danger-avoidance ability based on instinct or a sixth sense, that helped Heracles weather numerous difficult adventures. Even though the user has lost his intellect, the skill still functions close to its original level. Even when facing a seasoned swordsman such as Artoria, Heracles did not fall for half-hearted feints. It is truly a troublesome ability for the opponent to deal with.
Caption: Heracles is of huge stature yet possesses a high rank in Agility, making him extremely difficult to corner.
Valor: A+
With his brave and daring spirit, Heracles is able to neutralize mental interference such as intimidation, confusion and enchantment. However, this skill is unable to take effect while he is maddened. When operating correctly, Valor also increases the damage inflicted in melee combat. This allowed Heracles to defeat several monsters barehanded.
Caption: Even the brave warrior's heart was painted over by the insanity of Mad Enhancement.
Divinity: A
As a mixed child of the ruling god Zeus and a human, who then ascended to godhood after death, Heracles naturally possesses the highest level of the Divinity skill. However, this was disastrous for him, ending with his complete entrapment in Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm "Chain of Heaven," which grows in strength proportionate to the target's divinity.
Noble Phantasms
Twelve Labors -- God Hand
Rank: B
Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum Targets: 1 person
A blessing of the gods upon Heracles, as well as a curse. This Noble Phantasm represents the hero's immortality. It does not have a tangible form such as a weapon or armor, but one could call the body itself the Noble Phantasm. Twelve Labors turns one's body into unyielding armor, and nullifies all attacks of rank B or lower, whether physical or magical. It also has the effect of automatic resurrection after death. Because the resurrection effect has 11 uses, Heracles cannot perish unless killed 12 times. In addition, with Illya’s immense magical energy, the lives lost can also be regenerated given enough time.
Caption: Resurrection and attack nullification. In addition to these two effects, Twelve Labors also possesses a third effect, rendering an attack that it has experienced no longer effective. Regardless of how powerful the Noble Phantasm is that defeats Heracles, it would be ineffective after he resurrects.
Shooting the Hundred Heads -- Nine Lives (unavailable in the Berserker class)
Rank: -
Type: -
Range: -
Maximum Targets: -
Among all of Heracles' Noble Phantasms, he trusted this one the most. It was the Noble Phantasm which Heracles used to slay the immortal nine-headed serpent Hydra once upon a time, in the form of bow and arrow. After killing the Hydra, Heracles became able to use techniques that emulated the ability of this Noble Phantasm while wielding other weapons. In essence, it is a "high-speed attack consisting of nine consecutive strikes, as swift as if the attacks were overlapping." Whether delivered via sword, spear, or axe, this technique still boasts power worthy of a Noble Phantasm. Similar to how Cú Chulainn’s demonic spear Gae Bolg has a technique called "Barbed Spear of Piercing Death" Heracles’ technique shares the "Shooting the Hundred Heads" name with the Noble Phantasm.
Shirou projected this secret technique while projecting Heracles’ axe-sword, annihilating the blackened Heracles. While summoned as a Berserker, Heracles could not use Nine Lives.
Blackening of Servants
The black mud festering within the Holy Grail pollutes the souls of those who touch it. Whether ordinary humans or supernatural beings such as Servants, there are no exceptions. Corrupted ones have their personalities twisted in a foul way. This is the madness caused by coming into contact with Angra Mainyu, All of the World's Evil. There are individuals who have harnessed the black mud as power, as well as those who have resisted the spiritual corruption by virtue of powerful ego. Matou Sakura would be an example of the former, while Gilgamesh would be the latter.
Blackened Servants undergo true incarnation through the power of the Grail, changing into powerful beings with an increased connection to the present world. Physical interference power is greatly increased, but at the same time it is no longer possible to change into spirit form. Also, they lose their sense of control regarding energy consumption, so combat ability is dramatically enhanced. One can imagine the resulting force as something like a "runaway train." In this rampaging state, fine control is impossible, but destructive power is accordingly amplified. Blackened Servants are terrifying beings that spread death and destruction across the world.
Saber Alternative
Class: Saber
Master: Matou Sakura
Alignment: Lawful Evil
MGI: A++
Noble Phantasm: A++
Saber Alternative, or Black Saber, is the name given to Artoria when she fell to Hassan, was consumed by the dark shadow, and obtained true incarnation during the "Heaven's Feel" route.
Artoria, now jet-black, could now invoke Excalibur without limit thanks to the enormous energy supply from the blackened Sakura. Thus, she could overwhelm Berserker Heracles even in a direct battle. Now unfettered and in a sense more powerful than she was in life, none can deny that she is the strongest Servant.
Class Abilities
Magic Resistance: B
Lower than original value due to the corruption. Still high, as it nullifies spells at B rank (activated within three counts) or lower, and it is difficult to harm her even with high thaumaturgy.
Riding: -
In the maddened state while blackened, the loss of fine control makes it impossible to ride beasts; rather, the mount cannot withstand it. Therefore, in reality one can consider the Riding ability lost.
Personal Skills
Instinct: B
Constant self-control is required to maintain Saber's reason while blackened. To focus on suppressing her madness, her surroundings are neglected and Instinct is dulled.
Power Burst: A
Saber's body is always suffused in magical energy supplied by the Greater Grail. Her armor is also reinforced, granting more defensive ability than in her original state.
Charisma: E
The magnificent king's charm which once inspired and captivated her soldiers is gone. Since she rules by terror, leadership ability is improved but troops' morale is extremely low.
Noble Phantasms
Sword of Promised Victory -- Excalibur
Rank: A++
Type: Anti-fortress Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-99
Maximum targets: 1000 persons
Even while blackened, Artoria's greatest power Excalibur is still potent. However, the sword is tainted an ominous black. Just as the fairies of the lake (Vivienne and Morgan) manifest as both good and evil, the holy sword has its own dark side. Still, its "character" as a holy sword is greatest. The function of converting the wielder's magical energy into light through the blade does not change, but the light is transformed into the same darkness of the blade.
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